
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Whitney Houston Cause Of Death... Finally

They finally did it; they finally released Whitney Houston's cause of death. I think most of us knew what she died from. I mean, really, who did not know she was on drugs?! That was pretty much a gimme. I personally did not know she had atherosclerotic heart disease, though. Is that something that is caused by the cocaine she was using? I know that drugs can really mess up the body.

No matter how she died, it is still sad. I grew up watching and listening to Whitney Houston. I loved her music; I think I had every one of her cassette tapes. Before I had all of them I remember sitting and listening to the radio, waiting for one of her songs to come on so I could record it on a recordable tape, gosh, those were the days. I just loved her, and so did all of my friends. It is so sad when we lose a talented person like her.

And her poor family. You know they loved her and they miss her like crazy, and they probably tried to help her with the drug use. I just cannot imagine losing a child, or my childrend losing their mother.

I just find it so sad that so many famous people get hooked on drugs, though. I can imagine living as a star would be quite overwhelming. You could not even go into the grocery store without being noticed, or go to a movie, you couldn't go anywhere without an entourage of people. That has to get old. And is that why famous people turn to drugs?

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