
Friday, March 30, 2012

The New "Bully" Movie

Lee Hirsch, the director of the new movie, “Bully” says he never meant for his movie to have the rating of R. He spends a year in three different Iowa schools, following five families with children who have been impacted by bullying.
The rating is due to language. In particular, there is one word that is used over and over. Hirsch wanted this to be a documentary that children could watch and never meant to have it rated R. He fought to have the rating changed, but he lost. With an R rating, anyone who is under 17 must be accompanied by an adult to watch the movie. Hirsch decided to make the make the un-rated. Some theaters will not show a movie that is not rated, but it seems many theaters are going to show the movie. AMC will show the movie and allow children to watch the movie with parent permission. Carmike and Regal Cinemas will be showing the movie and will treat it as if it was a rated R.
Honestly, I would love to see the movie. As a teacher, I see both sides of the story. I see kids who say they are bullied, but a lot of times they antagonize and when the kid they are messing with retaliates and tries to take up for himself, the initiator says he is being bullied. I know there are legit cases, but I know there are cases where the kid who is “bullied” is not bullied, he is babied and can not take someone standing up to him. I blame a lot of it on the parents, for babying their children and not getting them ready for the real world. I know, many may not agree, but I am free to my opinion.

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