
Friday, March 30, 2012

Spike Lee Apologizes

Spike Lee got himself into a little bit of trouble. After the Trayvon Martin case he tweeted what he thought was George Zimmerman's address. He was wanting to let everyone know where he lived so they could take justice into their own hands. I can not say I disagree, Zimmerman took justice in his own hands when he killed Martin, but I guess a lot of others may not agree with the posting of the address because he took a lot of heat for it.

Lee took it upon himself to apologize to Zimmerman's family via a phone call. The family took it well and seemed grateful for the apology. Lee has stated that he just wants the family to have peace and be left alone. He even financially compensated them, too and made a statement that he wanted them to have peace and let the court system take care of their son.

Roseanne Barr decided to tweet the correct address. She got a lot of negative attention so decided to take it down. I do not think she wanted to, though, because she later stated that she would retweet it and even go to his house herself if she had to. I can not say I blame her. What happened really touches my heart. It is a very sad case and I can not imagine pain the Martin family is feeling.

I just hope that Zimmerman is arrested and has a fair trial. It seems with all the evidence he should be convicted of killing Trayvon Martin.

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