
Friday, March 23, 2012

The Host... ANOTHER Stephanie Meyer Movie

Ok, I'll admit it, I do love me some Twilight. When the books first came out I turned my nose up at them and stayed away from the hype. But after hearing friend after friend after friend tell me to read these wonderful books I decided I should read the books. And boy, did they suck me in. I admit, I love the Twilight series and I am now that annoying friend that tells all my friends that they HAVE to read the amazing Twilight books.

Now, Stephanie Meyer has a new movie coming out, based on her book The Host. Like I said, I don't buy into the hype, normally. But this time I took the bait. I tried reading the book, but I just could not get into it. It was a little "out there" for me. The previews look really good, and I wanted to like it, but I could not force myself. Maybe when the movie makes it to DVD I will give it a try, but as far-fetched as vampires are, I just could not make myself read or get into The Host.
I am not saying Stephanie Meyer is a bad author, I think her writing is AMAZING! It is just not my style. And I will admit, I really hope that she comes out with some more books, and I hope they are not as far-fetched as The Host, like vampires aren’t far-fetched?!
So, will you be reading or going out and watching The Host?

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