
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Bobby Brown Arrested For DUI?!

Really Bobby Brown?! Is it not enough that your ex-wife and the mother of your children recently died, and now you are out driving while you are under the influence. I really do not understand people. Do they not understand how dangerous it is for other drivers when they choose to drive around after they have been drinking? It just infuriates me that people choose to act this way. It is so scary, knowing I have kids in the car with me most of the time, and ignorant people, who are not in their right mind, are driving around and could potentially harm my family.

Bobby Brown was arrested a few days ago when he was spotted talking on his cell phone without a hands free device. Officers said he looked to be impaired, and that is why they pulled him over. I guess when they pulled him over they gave him a sobriety test that he failed. They took him straight to jail (where I wish drunk drivers would stay and rot), but he was released a little while later. This is not Brown's first DUI, either. His last one was in 1996 in Georgia. He pled guilty and ended up spending eight days in jail. I really hope he spends a lot more time than that in jail. Anyone who is willing to drive around while drunk should have to go clean up people who are hurt or killed by drunk drivers. I think they should also have to go tell the families of people that have lost loved ones to drunk drivers and talk to them, see what they have to say.

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