
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Baby Eagles Born On Eagle Cam

How cool is that, baby eagles being born for millions of people around the world to watch, live, as it is happening. I think it is really neat. I mean, really, when else will any of us get to watch a baby eagle hatch out of its egg. Or how many of us will see a baby eagle or a real eagle, for that matter. I know most of us would like to see them all in real life, but this is the next best thing. I did not get to watch the baby eagles hatch out of their eggs in real time, but I was able to watch the video. The current new baby eagles can be viewed on an eagle cam from Decorah, Iowa. This eagle cam was the most popular live feed on UStream in 2011. It has had more than 4 million views. I guess people like to watch eagles. I know I think it is pretty interesting.

The eggs in Decorah were laid on my middle son's birthday, February 17, and they hatched on March 26th, a few days later than expected, but they still hatched, and people can watch it. There are a couple more eggs on the Decorah cam that are expected to hatch in a couple weeks. Eagle babies take anywhere from 1/2 a day to 2 full days to come out of their eggs. So if you enjoy watching baby eagles peck their way out of their shells, you have plenty of time to soak it all in.

If you like this kind of live feed, watching animals in their natural habitat thing, you are in luck. There are many different live feed cameras available for you to watch. There are many eagle cams. And my favorite is a live feed of a watering hole in Africa where you can see all kinds of different animals. I would love to go to Africa and see these animals in real life, but that's not gonna happen soon so the live feed is great.

How do you feel about watching animals on live feed cameras?

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