
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Ryan Leaf, Add Another One To The List

Yet another former NFL player arrested. Why does this not surprise me?! He was arrested Friday in his hometown, Montana, for burglary and drug possession. He was a quarterback in college and then played for a short time with the San Diego Chargers, earning the reputation of one of the NFL's biggest busts.

Why do "we" (society) hold these people on a pedestal? Look at them as idols? Pay them millions of dollars a year to play football? (I love to watch football, not downing the sport.) And then they do ignorant stuff like this. I know, many sports stars help society in many different ways, but many of them do stupid things, get arrested and make the rest of the athletes look bad. My students would rather be like a football player than a soldier who fights for their freedom, a doctor that can save their life, a police officer who protects them or a teacher who teaches them. It makes no sense to me why we do not do more to honor and hold these "real" people in society up high on a pedestal. Yes, football is fun to watch, but when it comes down to it, do we NEED football?! Do we need soldiers, teachers, doctors, nurses, firefighters and policeman? I probably do not need to answer this question, but I will. Yes, we need those people, a lot more than sports players who get paid outrageous amounts of money and then make the sport look bad when they do illegal and stupid things.

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