
Friday, March 23, 2012

George Zimmerman... Hero?

I think not... I am truly saddened by this whole situation with George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin. Let me start off by saying I know that the public only knows what the media wants us to know, but here is my opinion on what I have heard from the media.

George Zimmerman states he shot Martin in self defense. Tell me, how is it self defense when you have nothing to defend yourself from? Trayvon was walking to the store to get some candy. As far as I know, that is nothing too harmful about that. On his way home, Trayvon called his girlfriend and pulled up the hood of his hoodie. Okay, still nothing too harmful. Soon after that it started to rain so he started walking faster because he did not want to get wet. Can you blame him? During this time records show Zimmerman called 911 because he saw someone who looked suspicious. 911 operators told him to stay away. But did he? No, he decided to follow Martin (he told his girlfriend he was being followed). What happened next only Zimmerman and Martin know, but witnesses say they heard someone screaming for help, and then Martin was dead.

A poor, defenseless young man shot in "self defense". Really?! What was Zimmerman defending himself from?

And how sad is it that the police are on Zimmerman's side? He admitted to killing a man. Evidence (which the police failed sorely on this aspect) shows that Zimmerman had no reason to kill in self defense. Yet, the police are letting it go. Is this neighborhood watch volunteer someone you want watching your neighborhood?

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