
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Dennis Rodman, Back In The News

Oh Dennis Rodman, it is nice to see you in the news again. Oh how I have missed you. Really, I do miss all the news about Rodman in his "wild days" with his tattoos and colored hair, it was great. This time he is in the news because he owes $860,000 in back child support and spousal support says his ex-wife. Rodman's lawyer states he owes no where near that amount, if he owes anything at all. He has been paying child support for not only Michelle's two children, but also another child. He has proof of all his payments, and he will be presenting that to the court soon. Poor Rodman, he has been in so much trouble, he has gotten in trouble with the law, with taxes, now with child support. I guess some people can not keep themselves out of trouble can they? I actually feel kind of bad for him. I really do help Michelle backs off. He is supposed to pay $4500 a month to her, but now that he is retired, he is not making nearly as much as he had when he played with the NBA. I really hope that the judge has mercy on this poor guy. I really do not understand why these women have children with these men who make all this money and then expect such large child support payments. Rodman has not been good with his money and probably can not afford to pay what he is ordered to pay, but as long as his ex-wife has enough money to wear designer clothes and all that stuff, then it really doesn't matter does it?!

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