
Saturday, March 24, 2012

The New "Four Letter Word" - Zimmerman

Every time I hear the word, "Zimmerman", I get sick to my stomach. The name brings up bad things that I wish never had to surface. How could a man (can we call him that?) live with himself after what he did to poor Trayvon Martin and his heartbroken family. He says what he did was in self-defense, but my witnesses would disagree, and I think I agree with the witnesses.

I guess Zimmerman has portrayed himself as a good guy in the public for quite some time. He is a former alter boy, college student and insurance salesman. He is also known to many as a "cop wanna-be". He has made many calls to 911 reporting many different things. He has called to report bad driving, pot holes, shoplifters, open garage doors, children playing in the street, among other things. One report states that he called 911 to report a shoplifter and stayed with the person until the proper authorities arrived. If you ask me, he sounds like he really wants to be an authority figure, but for whatever reason, he is not. And obviously he should not be, either.

It is reported that Zimmerman and his family has gone into hiding. It's also reported that the New Black Panther Party have a $10,000 reward for his capture.

Zimmerman's parents say that their son is a good person and is not at all a racist. I really think that the shooting says otherwise. What do you think?

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