
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Hunger Games Comes Out Today

The Hunger Games movie is exciting news for many people I know. So many of my friends and family members have been waiting for months for the Hunger Games movie to come out and they are beyond excited. I really wish I could understand the fascination with this book series and movie. I picked up the first book a couple times and tried to read it, but could not get into it at all. The story line sounds very interesting, but it just did not draw me in like it did so many other people.

Almost everyone I know plans on seeing the movie in the next day or two. I am a teacher and many of my teacher friends have read the books, loved them, and plan to go to see the movie tonight. Two of my own children have read the whole series and will be going to see the movie tomorrow with their grandmother, who has not a clue what it is about, but she just wants to see it like everyone else. Several of my friends and their children will be at the midnight showing in just a few short hours.
I have never been one to buy into the hype of books or movies. I usually read or watch them a couple weeks after they come out. I do not feel the need to be up when I should be sleeping, or to stand in any sort of crazy line to be the first to do anything. I am not usually a patient person, but for this sort of thing I have a lot of patience.

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