
Friday, March 30, 2012

The Drunk Version Of Bohemian Rhapsody

Oh my goodness... I have not laughed that hard in a very long time. My husband told me about this video he saw on the news this morning. It was of a drunk guy, in the back of a cop car, singing the Bohemian Rhapsody. And he did a great job if you ask me. He was very entertaining and knew all the words. He really got into the song, which made it a lot better. I hate to admit, but I think I watched it about four times before my husband got tired of hearing it, so I turned it off for him.

Robert Wilkinson was arrested for a DUI and decided to entertain himself and the officer on his drive to the police station. Wilkinson himself actually released this video; he must have been proud of himself and I can see why. He sure is getting his moment in the spotlight.

He goes to court soon and will be representing himself. Word is, he plans to plead not guilty. He also plans to use the video as evidence. It is not clear, though, what kind of evidence the video will be as it really does not prove a whole lot. Maybe he is going to make everyone laugh so hard they will forget why he is there. I know if I was there, I could not do my job. Heck, I would probably give him sort of award or something. He sure deserves it if you ask me.

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