
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Neighborhood Watch Supporters Afraid To Speak Up

Supporters of Trayvon Martin are everywhere, and not afraid to stand up for him. There are groups of people wearing hoodies in support. There are rallies and even church services for those who support Martin. But with all the media coverage and rallying that is going on, there are some people who are coming out of the woodworks that are supporting Zimmerman and the neighborhood watch program. It looks like there may be more supporters of Zimmerman, they are just scared to admit it. And honestly, I would not admit it if I were a supporter of his.

On February 26 a young, unarmed black man was shot. No one will ever know what really happened, except Martin and Zimmerman, so we can only speculate. There is evidence for both sides and a lot of the evidence and eye witness accounts were not taken by the police, and because of this, they can not be used in court.

What really happened? I, along with thousands of others would love to know, but we may never know. Zimmerman, who is in hiding, says Martin was acting suspicious and then starting beating his head into the pavement. Is that true? Who knows? The facts we have are that Martin was unarmed and Zimmerman was armed. I do not think that is a fair fight. Was Zimmerman scared? If so, he could have gotten in his car and went home, he is not responsible for Trayvon Martin's actions. Who knew how Trayvon felt, maybe he was scared. Witnesses say they heard screams for help. No one knows whos screams those were. Were they Martin's or were they Zimmerman's? We may never know.

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