
Friday, March 23, 2012

Erika Van Pelt Sent Home

Erika Van Pelt was sent home on American Idol. I am still baffled by that decision. To be honest, she was not my favorite, but she was amazing. I have no idea why the judges sent her home, but they did, and she seemed just as confused.

The researcher in me went online to see if I could find out any information on Van Pelt. Before American Idol she was a wedding DJ. Sounds like a fun job if you ask me, plus there would be lots of drunk people to laugh at, and who doesn't like to laugh at drunk people dancing (please, no judging, I used to be that drunk dancing lady at weddings, it was a lot of fun). Anyway, she said it was hard to take the criticism, but she took it and tried to change. Guess the judges didn't still didn't approve because they sent her home anyway. Van Pelt stated that she wasn't going to go right back to DJing, she needed to take some time to sleep. I can not say I blame her. I am sure her time on Idol was very busy and stressful.

Even though Erika Van Pelt got kicked off of Idol, I sure hope someone gives her a chance. Her voice is amazing and her stage presence is, too. I almost hate watching that show, watching dreams get crushed, but I guess it is all just part of the game. I sure don't think I could play that game, though. Wanting, wishing, hoping and then having it all taken away... Not something I could take as gracefully as Erika Van Pelt did. Sorry to see you go Erika and good luck.

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