
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Joba Chamberlain To Clear Up Rumors

I just love rumors! Don't you! Actually, I can not stand them. I grew up, and still live in a small town. I always say that everyone else knows what you are doing before you even do it. But, I do love small town life for the most part, so I will just deal with the rumor mill. There are enough good things about small town life that I enjoy to make me stay here in Rumor Central.

This is my favorite new rumor victim, Joba Chamberlain. He is a pitcher for the New York Yankees and he hurt his ankle while jumping on a trampoline with his son. Pretty simple, right?! Not so much... People were saying his life was in danger due to a major blood loss and that his career was over. No, his life was never in danger, and as of right now it looks like his career is not over. He did have surgery and will have to wear a cast for six weeks, due to dislocating his ankle. It has not been reported (truth or rumor) when Chamberlain will resume his pitching career.

Rumors are that Chamberlain will talk to the press today and clear everything up for everyone. That should be helpful, but what will the rumor starters do now? Maybe they will just find someone new to start rumors about.

How do rumors make you feel? Do you live in a small town where rumors are rampant? Or are they bad in big towns, too?

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