
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Geraldo Rivera's idiotic comment

I am not a big fan of Geraldo Rivera, so I do not watch him, but when a friend of mine told me about a comment he made about the Trayvon Martin case, I had to do a little research and see what was said. I found out he made one of the most idiotic comments that I think I have ever heard. He is blaming a hoodie on a young man being shot and killed.

“I am urging the parents of black and Latino youngsters particularly not to let their children go out wearing hoodies. I think the hoodie is as much responsible for Trayvon Martin‘s death as much as George Zimmerman was,” Rivera said.

Really?! A hoodie?! How ridiculous. I wear hoodies, and I am likely to wear the hood if it started raining, or if it was cold, just as Trayvon did when rain started falling. So, I guess if I wear a hoodie, or anyone else is wearing a hoodie with the hood pulled up we may as well be a walking target. Really Geraldo? Do you think so? So do we all need to train our children never to go outside wearing a hoodie with the hood pulled up? Or maybe we should outlaw hoods on hoodies. Do you think that would work better?

I am honestly sick to my stomach that somone would blame a hoodie on a death. I think the hoodie had as much to do with the death as Trayvon's candy choice that night. Maybe he should have bought a bag of chips instead of a bag of candy. Do you think that would have given him less of a chance of being shot Mr. Rivera?

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