
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

New Face Transplant In Maryland

I just ran across this story. A guy that had his face disfigured several years ago got a new face. He had been living with a mask and as a recluse for the last 15 years because of the extense of his injuries and disfigurement. Just a couple weeks ago he got a face transplant, one of the most extensive face transplants ever. I had no idea that anything like this has ever happened, it seems like something out of a science fiction movie, but this is not the first one. He even regained his sense of smell, which he had not had for the last 15 years. I am truly amazed.

The surgery took 36 hours and cost millions of dollars. The money was a grant from the Office of Naval Research. I am glad that something like this has helped a man so much.

Shortly after the surgery he wanted to look in a mirror. The experience was very emotional. He was happy to see his new face. He can now smell, move his mouth, jaw and tongue and he was even able to shave by himself. All of these thing he was not able to do before the transplant.

The face came from a donor, but the name is not being released. Many people sign up to be organ donors, but the face donor had to have special permission from the family. Luckily there was a family that matched and they were able to use the face.

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