
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Anchorman 2 Starts Filming Next Year

I am so stinkin' excited. I just saw that Adam McKay, the writer and director of "Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgandy" said he will start filming Anchorman 2 in February 2013. I am a HUGE Will Ferrell fan. He has to be one of my favorite actors ever. I love his sense of humor, he is just so funny. I know a lot of people do not like him, and that is fine, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but mine is, I LOVE WILL FERRELL.

I loved the first Anchorman, and every other movie Will Ferrell has ever been in. Stepbrothers was hilarious and so was Taladega Nights. I actually own all of those movies, along with the ice skating one, and watch them every now and then, and laugh my tail off.

I have been watching Ferrell since he was on Saturday Night Live and I loved him on that show! I think I love most of the comedians that got their start on SNL. That has got to be one of the funniest shows every. I really like how you can watch Best of SNL DVDs with your favorite comedian. Those are hilarious and my husband and I can sit and watch them for hours. Some of my favorite ones are Will Ferrell, Adam Sandler and Tommy Boy (what is his name, my mind has gone blank!).

Are you excited for the new "Anchorman" movie? What's your favorite Will Ferrell movie? I do not think I can pick a favorite, I love them all.

The Lucky One Coming To Theaters

Since I have this horrible relationship with the movie theaters, I am not sure I can make myself, but I may just have to go see "The Lucky One" book by Nicholas Sparks turned into a movie. I am a huge fan of Nicholas Sparks' books and I have really enjoyed all of his books that have been turned into movies, too. I have seen every one of them, though none in a theater. With “The Notebook” being my all-time favorite movie ever. I have also read all of his books. And loved every single one of them. He is a fantastic author and always tells a very good story. His romance novels are my favorite.

Since my husband is in the Army, I am always drawn to movies with soldiers, or ex-soldiers. This one is no exception. Many have been disappointing because the soldier part is so far off from being true, but since this us Nicholas Sparks I think I can overlook it. But I do have a little problem with the male lead. I am not a Zac Effron fan, at all. Cannot stand him actually. I am thinking this movie may help change that, though. I guess we shall see...

It has been a while since I read "The Lucky One". I think I want to pull it out and read it again. Maybe that will satisfy my need to see the movie in the theater.  I sure hope it does anyway, since I have no love for the theater and I do not want to be a hypocrite.

One Winning Lottery Ticket From Baltimore County

On Friday evening, some lucky soul went into a 7-Eleven in Baltimore County, spent $1 and bought a Mega Millions ticket with numbers that were  randomly selected. This ticked turned out to be a winner of the HUGE $656 million jackpot, which is a record amount. As of now, that person has not made himself known. There were also winning tickets sold in Illinois and Kansas. The three winners will be splitting the record-breaking jackpot. If the winners choose the cash option, it will be a total of $474.2 million that will be split between the three winners. They also have the option to get the winnings in yearly installments. But no matter what, a quarter of it will go to pay taxes, which does not seem fair to me, but hey, who am I?!

Retailers in Maryland also say they sold four winning tickets for $250,000. That is not a shabby amount to win, either. I would not mind having that much money in my wallet, either.

The huge jackpot almost doubled the state's record of ticket sales. The old record was $5.8 million and the new record, set on Friday, was $11.8 million.

I can not imagine winning that huge amount. I could make many dreams come true, and look good doing it. If you won that money, what would you use it on? Me, ummmm... There are so many different things that I can think of. Who wouldn't love a new house, new car, new wardrobe, some new jewelry, and my list goes on and on...

Ryan Leaf, Add Another One To The List

Yet another former NFL player arrested. Why does this not surprise me?! He was arrested Friday in his hometown, Montana, for burglary and drug possession. He was a quarterback in college and then played for a short time with the San Diego Chargers, earning the reputation of one of the NFL's biggest busts.

Why do "we" (society) hold these people on a pedestal? Look at them as idols? Pay them millions of dollars a year to play football? (I love to watch football, not downing the sport.) And then they do ignorant stuff like this. I know, many sports stars help society in many different ways, but many of them do stupid things, get arrested and make the rest of the athletes look bad. My students would rather be like a football player than a soldier who fights for their freedom, a doctor that can save their life, a police officer who protects them or a teacher who teaches them. It makes no sense to me why we do not do more to honor and hold these "real" people in society up high on a pedestal. Yes, football is fun to watch, but when it comes down to it, do we NEED football?! Do we need soldiers, teachers, doctors, nurses, firefighters and policeman? I probably do not need to answer this question, but I will. Yes, we need those people, a lot more than sports players who get paid outrageous amounts of money and then make the sport look bad when they do illegal and stupid things.

Three Lotto Winners

It looks like three lotto winner will be sharing the largest jackpot in history, $640 million. The winners are from Maryland, Illinois and Kansas. But it looks like the winners have yet to come forward. What are they waiting for? Oh my goodness... If I bought a ticket (which I have never done before, I have no luck) I would have been watching the numbers being announced like a hawk. I guess these people weren't too interested in winning, or maybe they thought they had no chance (the reason I have never bought a ticket). I sure hope they do come forward and claim their winnings. I hope, too, that they are good people, who will do good things with the money they won. I hope that it will drastically change the lives of the winners, in a good way. It is so sad when someone falls into money, or whatever and it changes the person in a negative way. I think this world is already full of enough negative people, we do not need any more.

Anyway, the winners will split the money and can either take it all in one lump sum, or can get it in installments. They will also be responsible for paying 25 percent for taxes (wow, I did not know it was that much). I think I would take installments, that way I would not be tempted to blow it all at once. It would be more like a paycheck. What would you do?

Friday, March 30, 2012

Powerball... I Want To Win It

I am loving all this talk about the Power Ball lottery. Honestly, I have never bought a lottery ticket before, but I am seriously thinking about buying one. It is now up to $640 million. Wow! What would I do with that much money. Oh boy, I could have a lot of fun, couldn't I? Let me tell you what I would do. First I would pay off my debt. Then I would buy a new house. Actually, I would need to have one built because I am pretty picky. I do not want anything too extravagant. Or maybe I would, who knows... I am dreaming here, might as well dream big. I would then buy a couple new cars. Oh, and I would definitely buy some new clothes, shoes, purses, jewelry, you know, a little bit of everything. I would also like to travel a little bit. I was born in Hawaii, I have been there a few times, but my family has not been there and they would all love to visit the area. We would go there and spend some time there. I would probably also buy a vacation house somewhere. I need to think on that one, though. It does not even have to be a house, heck, if I had a hut on the beach I would be happy. Oh gosh, I could go a little crazy with that much money.

I would love to help others with that money, too. I want to help the sick and hurt, and the wounded soldiers, people who do not expect a hand out, people who have been dealt a bad hand.

What would you do with that much money?

Mirror, Mirror, The New Snow White

The movie "Mirror Mirror" came out today. It is supposed to be a Snow White movie and from the previews, it looks pretty good. I really wanted to watch it, maybe not at the theaters (you all know my dislike of movie theaters). The critics are saying it may not be worth it.

The movie is supposed to be a more humorous version of the traditional Snow White. It is supposed to be a little more modern as well.

The critics are saying that it is basically the new Snow White with some new additions. Yeah, really?! That is what I thought it was. I do not think you could venture too far off of the story line and call it a Snow White story, could you?! Come on critics, we all know the story, but we still want to see the movie. Did the critics think this was going to be a whole new story? It can't be. It is not a new story. I love the Snow White story, and that is the main reason I wanted to see the movie (sometime, but not in the theater).

The movie is supposed to be told from the queen's perception (Julia Roberts) and has some amazing visual elements. I think it sounds pretty neat. Maybe I will make my way into theaters for this. Or maybe when the newness dies down I will be able to wait and see it when it comes to DVD.

The Drunk Version Of Bohemian Rhapsody

Oh my goodness... I have not laughed that hard in a very long time. My husband told me about this video he saw on the news this morning. It was of a drunk guy, in the back of a cop car, singing the Bohemian Rhapsody. And he did a great job if you ask me. He was very entertaining and knew all the words. He really got into the song, which made it a lot better. I hate to admit, but I think I watched it about four times before my husband got tired of hearing it, so I turned it off for him.

Robert Wilkinson was arrested for a DUI and decided to entertain himself and the officer on his drive to the police station. Wilkinson himself actually released this video; he must have been proud of himself and I can see why. He sure is getting his moment in the spotlight.

He goes to court soon and will be representing himself. Word is, he plans to plead not guilty. He also plans to use the video as evidence. It is not clear, though, what kind of evidence the video will be as it really does not prove a whole lot. Maybe he is going to make everyone laugh so hard they will forget why he is there. I know if I was there, I could not do my job. Heck, I would probably give him sort of award or something. He sure deserves it if you ask me.

The New "Bully" Movie

Lee Hirsch, the director of the new movie, “Bully” says he never meant for his movie to have the rating of R. He spends a year in three different Iowa schools, following five families with children who have been impacted by bullying.
The rating is due to language. In particular, there is one word that is used over and over. Hirsch wanted this to be a documentary that children could watch and never meant to have it rated R. He fought to have the rating changed, but he lost. With an R rating, anyone who is under 17 must be accompanied by an adult to watch the movie. Hirsch decided to make the make the un-rated. Some theaters will not show a movie that is not rated, but it seems many theaters are going to show the movie. AMC will show the movie and allow children to watch the movie with parent permission. Carmike and Regal Cinemas will be showing the movie and will treat it as if it was a rated R.
Honestly, I would love to see the movie. As a teacher, I see both sides of the story. I see kids who say they are bullied, but a lot of times they antagonize and when the kid they are messing with retaliates and tries to take up for himself, the initiator says he is being bullied. I know there are legit cases, but I know there are cases where the kid who is “bullied” is not bullied, he is babied and can not take someone standing up to him. I blame a lot of it on the parents, for babying their children and not getting them ready for the real world. I know, many may not agree, but I am free to my opinion.

Spike Lee Apologizes

Spike Lee got himself into a little bit of trouble. After the Trayvon Martin case he tweeted what he thought was George Zimmerman's address. He was wanting to let everyone know where he lived so they could take justice into their own hands. I can not say I disagree, Zimmerman took justice in his own hands when he killed Martin, but I guess a lot of others may not agree with the posting of the address because he took a lot of heat for it.

Lee took it upon himself to apologize to Zimmerman's family via a phone call. The family took it well and seemed grateful for the apology. Lee has stated that he just wants the family to have peace and be left alone. He even financially compensated them, too and made a statement that he wanted them to have peace and let the court system take care of their son.

Roseanne Barr decided to tweet the correct address. She got a lot of negative attention so decided to take it down. I do not think she wanted to, though, because she later stated that she would retweet it and even go to his house herself if she had to. I can not say I blame her. What happened really touches my heart. It is a very sad case and I can not imagine pain the Martin family is feeling.

I just hope that Zimmerman is arrested and has a fair trial. It seems with all the evidence he should be convicted of killing Trayvon Martin.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Dennis Rodman, Back In The News

Oh Dennis Rodman, it is nice to see you in the news again. Oh how I have missed you. Really, I do miss all the news about Rodman in his "wild days" with his tattoos and colored hair, it was great. This time he is in the news because he owes $860,000 in back child support and spousal support says his ex-wife. Rodman's lawyer states he owes no where near that amount, if he owes anything at all. He has been paying child support for not only Michelle's two children, but also another child. He has proof of all his payments, and he will be presenting that to the court soon. Poor Rodman, he has been in so much trouble, he has gotten in trouble with the law, with taxes, now with child support. I guess some people can not keep themselves out of trouble can they? I actually feel kind of bad for him. I really do help Michelle backs off. He is supposed to pay $4500 a month to her, but now that he is retired, he is not making nearly as much as he had when he played with the NBA. I really hope that the judge has mercy on this poor guy. I really do not understand why these women have children with these men who make all this money and then expect such large child support payments. Rodman has not been good with his money and probably can not afford to pay what he is ordered to pay, but as long as his ex-wife has enough money to wear designer clothes and all that stuff, then it really doesn't matter does it?!

New Face Transplant In Maryland

I just ran across this story. A guy that had his face disfigured several years ago got a new face. He had been living with a mask and as a recluse for the last 15 years because of the extense of his injuries and disfigurement. Just a couple weeks ago he got a face transplant, one of the most extensive face transplants ever. I had no idea that anything like this has ever happened, it seems like something out of a science fiction movie, but this is not the first one. He even regained his sense of smell, which he had not had for the last 15 years. I am truly amazed.

The surgery took 36 hours and cost millions of dollars. The money was a grant from the Office of Naval Research. I am glad that something like this has helped a man so much.

Shortly after the surgery he wanted to look in a mirror. The experience was very emotional. He was happy to see his new face. He can now smell, move his mouth, jaw and tongue and he was even able to shave by himself. All of these thing he was not able to do before the transplant.

The face came from a donor, but the name is not being released. Many people sign up to be organ donors, but the face donor had to have special permission from the family. Luckily there was a family that matched and they were able to use the face.

Neighborhood Watch Supporters Afraid To Speak Up

Supporters of Trayvon Martin are everywhere, and not afraid to stand up for him. There are groups of people wearing hoodies in support. There are rallies and even church services for those who support Martin. But with all the media coverage and rallying that is going on, there are some people who are coming out of the woodworks that are supporting Zimmerman and the neighborhood watch program. It looks like there may be more supporters of Zimmerman, they are just scared to admit it. And honestly, I would not admit it if I were a supporter of his.

On February 26 a young, unarmed black man was shot. No one will ever know what really happened, except Martin and Zimmerman, so we can only speculate. There is evidence for both sides and a lot of the evidence and eye witness accounts were not taken by the police, and because of this, they can not be used in court.

What really happened? I, along with thousands of others would love to know, but we may never know. Zimmerman, who is in hiding, says Martin was acting suspicious and then starting beating his head into the pavement. Is that true? Who knows? The facts we have are that Martin was unarmed and Zimmerman was armed. I do not think that is a fair fight. Was Zimmerman scared? If so, he could have gotten in his car and went home, he is not responsible for Trayvon Martin's actions. Who knew how Trayvon felt, maybe he was scared. Witnesses say they heard screams for help. No one knows whos screams those were. Were they Martin's or were they Zimmerman's? We may never know.

Dancing With The Stars Sends Home First Dancer

So, last night "Dancing With the Stars" sent home their first dancer. It is all over the news, all my friends are talking about it and I guess I am supposed to know all about it, but I don't.

Let me just start by saying, I can not believe this show is still on. And I have no idea why everyone is so enthralled with it. Maybe they just have more extra time than I do?! I am a reality TV show lover, but I have never been able to get into "Dancing With the Stars." When I admit that to my friends or people I work with, I get this strange stare, like I am an alien with three heads. Why is it so hard to beleive that I am not a DWTS fan. Really, people, I'm not, and guess what, I don't watch "The Bachelor" either. Maybe I will be exiled to an island far away, but honestly, I think I would enjoy that.

Well, the 55 year old tennis star Martnia Navritolova went home last night. She was obviously not the best dancing star. She said she was not happy to leave, but she was happy for the experience.

Maybe one night I will try to watch DWTS again and see if I can understand what all the rage is about. Or maybe I will have one of my DWTS friends explain it to me, but still, I just do not get it. I mean, the dancing is great, I am not saying it's not, and the costumes are gorgeous and I know the dancers work for hours and hours, but I really, really don't get it. Sorry to all you DWTS fans, I'm not judging, just sharing my opinion.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Bobby Brown Arrested For DUI?!

Really Bobby Brown?! Is it not enough that your ex-wife and the mother of your children recently died, and now you are out driving while you are under the influence. I really do not understand people. Do they not understand how dangerous it is for other drivers when they choose to drive around after they have been drinking? It just infuriates me that people choose to act this way. It is so scary, knowing I have kids in the car with me most of the time, and ignorant people, who are not in their right mind, are driving around and could potentially harm my family.

Bobby Brown was arrested a few days ago when he was spotted talking on his cell phone without a hands free device. Officers said he looked to be impaired, and that is why they pulled him over. I guess when they pulled him over they gave him a sobriety test that he failed. They took him straight to jail (where I wish drunk drivers would stay and rot), but he was released a little while later. This is not Brown's first DUI, either. His last one was in 1996 in Georgia. He pled guilty and ended up spending eight days in jail. I really hope he spends a lot more time than that in jail. Anyone who is willing to drive around while drunk should have to go clean up people who are hurt or killed by drunk drivers. I think they should also have to go tell the families of people that have lost loved ones to drunk drivers and talk to them, see what they have to say.

Baby Eagles Born On Eagle Cam

How cool is that, baby eagles being born for millions of people around the world to watch, live, as it is happening. I think it is really neat. I mean, really, when else will any of us get to watch a baby eagle hatch out of its egg. Or how many of us will see a baby eagle or a real eagle, for that matter. I know most of us would like to see them all in real life, but this is the next best thing. I did not get to watch the baby eagles hatch out of their eggs in real time, but I was able to watch the video. The current new baby eagles can be viewed on an eagle cam from Decorah, Iowa. This eagle cam was the most popular live feed on UStream in 2011. It has had more than 4 million views. I guess people like to watch eagles. I know I think it is pretty interesting.

The eggs in Decorah were laid on my middle son's birthday, February 17, and they hatched on March 26th, a few days later than expected, but they still hatched, and people can watch it. There are a couple more eggs on the Decorah cam that are expected to hatch in a couple weeks. Eagle babies take anywhere from 1/2 a day to 2 full days to come out of their eggs. So if you enjoy watching baby eagles peck their way out of their shells, you have plenty of time to soak it all in.

If you like this kind of live feed, watching animals in their natural habitat thing, you are in luck. There are many different live feed cameras available for you to watch. There are many eagle cams. And my favorite is a live feed of a watering hole in Africa where you can see all kinds of different animals. I would love to go to Africa and see these animals in real life, but that's not gonna happen soon so the live feed is great.

How do you feel about watching animals on live feed cameras?

Joba Chamberlain To Clear Up Rumors

I just love rumors! Don't you! Actually, I can not stand them. I grew up, and still live in a small town. I always say that everyone else knows what you are doing before you even do it. But, I do love small town life for the most part, so I will just deal with the rumor mill. There are enough good things about small town life that I enjoy to make me stay here in Rumor Central.

This is my favorite new rumor victim, Joba Chamberlain. He is a pitcher for the New York Yankees and he hurt his ankle while jumping on a trampoline with his son. Pretty simple, right?! Not so much... People were saying his life was in danger due to a major blood loss and that his career was over. No, his life was never in danger, and as of right now it looks like his career is not over. He did have surgery and will have to wear a cast for six weeks, due to dislocating his ankle. It has not been reported (truth or rumor) when Chamberlain will resume his pitching career.

Rumors are that Chamberlain will talk to the press today and clear everything up for everyone. That should be helpful, but what will the rumor starters do now? Maybe they will just find someone new to start rumors about.

How do rumors make you feel? Do you live in a small town where rumors are rampant? Or are they bad in big towns, too?

Eeeewwww... Gross... Pink Slime...

Really?! Oh my gosh, just the words make me want to throw up. Now we find out that it is put into the food that we eat. How is that for trust? I expect when I buy a package of ground beef, that I am getting ground beef. Who would think that it is full of all kinds of other disgusting products? And I am feeding my children this mess?

Now, I know I am responsible for what I buy and what I eat. When it comes to restaurant food I am the one responsible for knowing what is in each product and it is ultimately up to me as to whether or not I eat it or feed it to my children. But to find out such disgust is in the products we purchase and in the foods we get from restaurants and schools, I am truly sick! Why would people sell this and feed it to people under false pretenses?! Oh, I know why, the MONEY! That's what is all about, right?! How could I forget? It doesn't matter if I am poisoning someone or selling them something that is utterly disgusting, as long as I am making lots of money. Gosh, how nice it would be to not have a consience.

But there is some good news. A pink slime manufacturing company has had to shut down all but one of its plants. I guess I am not the only one disgusted over this and their sales have drastically dropped since the news has been spreading like wildfire all over the country. I can honestly say I do not feel sorry for them.

I guess from now on I will have to find a new place to buy my meat. I will also stay away from places that have been known to use this garbage in their meat products. Or maybe I will stay away from meat all together.

Tenacious D Is Coming Back

Oh my, will my husband ever be excited. Tenacious D is coming back. He has loved them from the time they came out. I really am not sure how he found them, but he did and he loves their comedy and their music. I have also been subjected to their music and honestly, I do find it quite funny, but I am not sure I would admit that to many people. They are really hilarious, but pretty raunchy, too.

They have released a new video, "To Be The Best" to kick off their upcoming album, "Rize of the Fenix" and their upcoming tour. I can not wait to tell my husband. I know he will be on the Internet searching for the video and laughing his tail off. And I am sure he will be one of the first in line to buy the new CD, which comes out on May 5.

I am not sure how many people actually like Jack Black's type of humor, but I do find him funny. I wish he would not be so nasty, though. It's almost embarrasing listening to his music or telling any of your friends about it. I guess that is kind of what makes it so funny, though.

I do think I am going to go watch the new Tenacious D video and see what it is all about. I am sure I will laugh, but I will never admit to watching it. I may even listen to the album, with my husband, no kids and in the privacy of my own house.

Monday, March 26, 2012

James Cameron's Under Ocean Travel

Let me just say, "WoW!" I can not believe someone actually wants to travel so far under the ocean, but James Cameron had a dream to do it and today he did. Today James went down 7 miles under the western Pacific Ocean. He said he liked it, too. He said, upon coming back up, "My feeling was one of complete isolation from all of humanity." I guess some consider that interesting, I consider it just downright scary. Cameron is only one of two men that have traveled that far down under the ocean.

Cameron went down seven miles under the ocean in a Deepsea Challenge submersible and visited the Mariana Trench. He was down for three hours and was very alone. Cameron did not see anything really. He went down five miles a few weeks ago and saw small primitive sea animals, this time all he saw were small, inch-long, shrimp like creatures.

Cameron plans on returning to the depths of the ocean. He is doing this all for science and plans to continue his trips down under the ocean. Sir Richard Branson also likes to travel down far under the ocean and both men plan on forming a team to do some deep sea exploration.

I can not say I ever want to be that far below the ocean. I am happy sitting on the beach, watching the waves roll in, taking a little nap, reading a book, getting my feet wet, but going down that far, I don't think so. What about you?

Liam Hemsworth, More Than Mr. Cyrus

I will admit it, I am a big Miley Cyrus fan. In my teen days, her dad, Billy Ray Cryus had the "hit" song, "Achy, Breaky Heart," that we all loved so much. And then my daughter fell in love with Hannah Montana on the Disney Channel so I watched the show right along with her. I was even a little sad when the show ended. And her music was not half bad either, I even catch myself singing along when one of her songs comes on the radio or if my daughter is listening to her music in her bedroom. 

I have found myself following her ever since she left her show. One thing that has been a constant in her life recently was her boyfriend, Liam Hemsworth. He is a little cutie and they do make a great looking couple. He is starting to make a name for himself now. He is in the new movie "Hunger Games" and has become even more popular and is becoming more than just Miley Cryus' boyfriend.

In "Hunger Games" Hemsworth plays Gale Hawthorne. Gale is the main character, Katniss Everdee's best friend and hunting partner.

Sources say he may be more than just Miley's boyfriend, is it possible that the two are going to get married some time in the future? It is reported that Miley was wearing a ring this weekend at a charity event. Miley's rep. states that the two are not engaged, but you never really know, do you?!

October Baby-I Really Want To See It

With all of the buzz about "October Baby" I really want to go see it. The problem... I am not a fan of movie theaters at all and I am not sure if I can make myself even take one step into one, no matter how much I want to see a movie. Their prices are beyond ridiculous and I can not see paying that much to watch a film or eat a bowl of popcorn. I also do not like to sit still for any length of time, so that is really a problem. Anyway, a few of my good friends loved the movie and I am sure that I would, too.

Have you heard of the movie? It's an independant film and pro-life. It's about a girl who finds out that her mom wanted to abort her, but then she decided to put her up for adoption instead.

The movie has done quite well, and I am really happy about that. I have heard that they plan on giving some of their profits to help pregnancy crisis centers.

I really hope that lots of people will see this film and that it can change their life. It seems that it could have the power to do that, and I really hope it does.

My opinion: I really wish that more people would consider adoption. I am sure the choice is hard, but there are so many people out there that would love to raise a child. Many people can not have children of their own, and having a child, or another child in their life could totally change it for the better.

Hcg Drops For Weight Loss??

So, on my never-ending quest for a weight loss miracle I decided to try HCG drops. I know, what was I thinking, you don't have to say it, I will. Sadly, I know what works to get the extra weight off. For me (and for you, too, I'm sure) it is eating a healthy diet and exercise. Hum... why is that so hard?! Well, for me it is because I love food and have no will power. But anyway, I decided to try the HCG drops. Here I am hoping for a miracle and then I read that I need to eat 1,000 calories a day and these drops will help me not feel hungry. Ok, easy enough, I guess, well, ummm... really. I can lose weight on my own eating 1,000 calories a day. I did decide to try the drops, though, to see if they did anything spectacular. I am here to answer that question, nope, they did not do anything for me.

I could not give it a full day on a 1,000 calorie diet, remember, I like food and I have no will power. And if you tell me I can not do something, guess what, I am going to do it. So, I decided to let a friend have the HCG drops and the 1,000 calorie diet. Want her results? You guessed it, the same as mine. Since my friend and I both want to lose some weight, we decided to be accountability partners. We are each aiming to eat less, and to eat healthier. We are also working out several times a week. We are not able to work out together because our work out times don't mesh, but we are working out nonetheless. I think the accountability partner is the secret. I really do not want to call her up and say, "I did not exercise today!" or "I had that big piece of chocolate cake!" I want to call her up and say, "I ran 3 miles!" or "I said no to a big bowl of ice cream that was calling my name."

My conclusion: Weight loss is not easy, it takes a lot of work and dedication. There are no miracle supplements out there that can offer a weight loss solution. It's all about what you are willing to put into it. Wish me luck...

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Geraldo Rivera's idiotic comment

I am not a big fan of Geraldo Rivera, so I do not watch him, but when a friend of mine told me about a comment he made about the Trayvon Martin case, I had to do a little research and see what was said. I found out he made one of the most idiotic comments that I think I have ever heard. He is blaming a hoodie on a young man being shot and killed.

“I am urging the parents of black and Latino youngsters particularly not to let their children go out wearing hoodies. I think the hoodie is as much responsible for Trayvon Martin‘s death as much as George Zimmerman was,” Rivera said.

Really?! A hoodie?! How ridiculous. I wear hoodies, and I am likely to wear the hood if it started raining, or if it was cold, just as Trayvon did when rain started falling. So, I guess if I wear a hoodie, or anyone else is wearing a hoodie with the hood pulled up we may as well be a walking target. Really Geraldo? Do you think so? So do we all need to train our children never to go outside wearing a hoodie with the hood pulled up? Or maybe we should outlaw hoods on hoodies. Do you think that would work better?

I am honestly sick to my stomach that somone would blame a hoodie on a death. I think the hoodie had as much to do with the death as Trayvon's candy choice that night. Maybe he should have bought a bag of chips instead of a bag of candy. Do you think that would have given him less of a chance of being shot Mr. Rivera?

The New "Four Letter Word" - Zimmerman

Every time I hear the word, "Zimmerman", I get sick to my stomach. The name brings up bad things that I wish never had to surface. How could a man (can we call him that?) live with himself after what he did to poor Trayvon Martin and his heartbroken family. He says what he did was in self-defense, but my witnesses would disagree, and I think I agree with the witnesses.

I guess Zimmerman has portrayed himself as a good guy in the public for quite some time. He is a former alter boy, college student and insurance salesman. He is also known to many as a "cop wanna-be". He has made many calls to 911 reporting many different things. He has called to report bad driving, pot holes, shoplifters, open garage doors, children playing in the street, among other things. One report states that he called 911 to report a shoplifter and stayed with the person until the proper authorities arrived. If you ask me, he sounds like he really wants to be an authority figure, but for whatever reason, he is not. And obviously he should not be, either.

It is reported that Zimmerman and his family has gone into hiding. It's also reported that the New Black Panther Party have a $10,000 reward for his capture.

Zimmerman's parents say that their son is a good person and is not at all a racist. I really think that the shooting says otherwise. What do you think?

Jennifer Lawrence of The Hunger Games Movie

I will admit that I am not the biggest Hunger Games fan, but I have been enjoying watching the success of the movie and its actors. I have a lot of friends and family that have enjoyed the books, and have seen the movie and enjoyed that, too. My boys saw the movie yesterday with their grandma. Both boys loved it, so did my mom. The boys have read the whole series, while my mom has not. I have heard the movie was a little hard to understand if you have not read the books, but I guess if you go with someone who knows what is going on they can share.

The main actress is Jennifer Lawrence who plays Katniss Everdeen. Lawrence was nominated for an Academy Award for Winter's Bone (another wonderful movie that everyone should see). My oldest son came home from the movie with a crush on her, he told me that she was so pretty. So I had to take a look for myself. She really is pretty and has already gotten great reviews from the critics about her role on The Hunger Games.

In the Hunger Games, Lawrence is a teen who lives in District 12 in Panem. She is chosen to fight in the Hunger Games, to the death, but before that she hunts illegaly and sells what she can on the black market in order to feed her family.

Lawrence earned her spot in stardom with the Sundance movie, "Winter's Bone" in 2010. It is a great movie about a girl who is looking for her father in the Ozarks. Rumor has it she will be in "The Beaver" with Mel Gibson next and then possibly play Mystique in "X-Men: First Class."

Friday, March 23, 2012

Obama Speaks About Trayvon

The case of Trayvon Martin is truely heartbreaking. I am still in shock over everything that happened, and everything that has not happened (more on that later).

President Obama made a statement about the case and it was very heartwarming. He said, "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon." It shows he is taking this whole thing to heart, as he should. I can say that that statement has helped me see our president in a whole new light.

Trayvon Martin was someone's son, someone's grandson, someone's friend. He was not a thug, walking home from a convenient store, as some "neighborhood watchman" thought. He was not out for trouble, he was out to buy some candy, Skittles to be exact. Did he deserve to die? I honestly do not think he did. But someone thought he should die, and admited to killing him, and he has faced no consequences. If you ask me, that is unacceptable.

What if that happened to my son? He wears hoodies, he walks around sometimes, he likes Skittles, he may be mistaken for a thug. But let me tell you, that boy would give you the shirt off his back, he would do anything for anyone and would not even hurt a fly. Appearances do not mean anything and I really think it is time for this country to stop being so judgemental. So a young man wears a hoodie, puts the hood on because it's starting to rain. Does that mean he deserved to die?

Erika Van Pelt Sent Home

Erika Van Pelt was sent home on American Idol. I am still baffled by that decision. To be honest, she was not my favorite, but she was amazing. I have no idea why the judges sent her home, but they did, and she seemed just as confused.

The researcher in me went online to see if I could find out any information on Van Pelt. Before American Idol she was a wedding DJ. Sounds like a fun job if you ask me, plus there would be lots of drunk people to laugh at, and who doesn't like to laugh at drunk people dancing (please, no judging, I used to be that drunk dancing lady at weddings, it was a lot of fun). Anyway, she said it was hard to take the criticism, but she took it and tried to change. Guess the judges didn't still didn't approve because they sent her home anyway. Van Pelt stated that she wasn't going to go right back to DJing, she needed to take some time to sleep. I can not say I blame her. I am sure her time on Idol was very busy and stressful.

Even though Erika Van Pelt got kicked off of Idol, I sure hope someone gives her a chance. Her voice is amazing and her stage presence is, too. I almost hate watching that show, watching dreams get crushed, but I guess it is all just part of the game. I sure don't think I could play that game, though. Wanting, wishing, hoping and then having it all taken away... Not something I could take as gracefully as Erika Van Pelt did. Sorry to see you go Erika and good luck.

Wishful Thinking: Mega Millions

Wow! I just heard the Mega Millions lottery was at $290 million. What would I do with that much money? I will tell you in just a minute... This lottery is the 8th highest amount in history. And the drawing is tonight. I sure hope someone gets lucky and wins that money, and I really hope it is someone with a huge heart, someone who will help others and use the money for good. Of course winning that much money there is no reason you can't have some fun with some of it, but some of it should be used for good, too (that's my opinion, you are free to disagree).

What would I do with $290 million? I have just been sitting here thinking about it ever since I saw the amount on the news. First of all, I do not play the lottery, so I would never win that much, but I would surely take it if someone wanted to share :) Ok, now on to what I would do... First of all I would buy a new house, nothing extravagent, but something pretty nice. I want a pool and a hot tub, a tanning bed and a home gym. I will need a room where my daughter can practice gymnastics, a insulated room where my oldest son can practice his music, and my middle son just likes to work out so the home gym would be great for him. I would also buy a new car for my husband and I. I would also pay off some debt, yuck, I hate debt! Next I would start sharing. I have a mother in law who is sick with bone cancer. If you don't know, there is no cure, she has just been trying experimental treatments because that is pretty much all they can do now. I would spoil her rotten, take her where ever she wanted to go, buy her whatever she wanted. I would also find a cancer treatment center and do all I could to help. I would share all I could, while keeping enough to send my kids to college.

A girl can dream, right?!

The Hunger Games' Josh Hutcherson

To be honest, I am not a big fan of The Hunger Games books, I have not seen the movie yet, but the books... Well, I just could not get into the first one after trying a few times. I do love staying on top of who is who in Hollywood, though. One of the big stars today is Josh Hutcherson who plays Peeta, from the Hunger Games. He is only 19, but he really seems mature for his age. And he sure is a little cutie.

I was reading about how he got ready for his role on the movie. He said he had to gain 50 pounds. His weight gain was not all about eating junk, though. He had to eat a lot of protein. He also had to work out with a Navy Seal trainer. He said that was really hard, and I am sure it probably was, those Navy Seals are some tough guys. I am always amazed at what actors will do for a movie. I think that shows a lot of dedication. Like I said, I have not seen the movie, but my boys have, and they loved it. And they said Hutcherson did a great job.

Another movie Hutcherson was in was The Bridge to Terabithia. Now, I did LOVE that movie and book. And I think he did a really good job in that movie, and I am sure he did great in The Hunger Games, too.

Kim Kardashian Flour Bomb

Poor Kim Kardashian. Yesterday she was in West Hollywood to promote her new perfume, "True Reflection" and out of nowhere comes a flour bomb. It covered her and it caused quite an outrage. This type of bombing is not uncommon, though. Some people throw glitter bombs. Mitt Romney was the victim of such an attack.

Kim was a good sport, though. She laughed about it when she was talking to E! news reporters. She told them she wanted some more facial powder from her make-up girl, but she sure did not expect that much powder. She did say it was one of the craziest things that has ever happened to her, and after seeing pictures, I can see why. She was a mess.

No one knows who did it, and Kim says she does not want to press charges. It's reported that there was the phrase, "fur hag" yelled out as the flour was being thrown. I really hope that this does not happen to her again, this is just crazy. She is just a person trying to promote her products and if someone does not like it, they should just ignore her, not throw bags of flour at her.

There is no telling what makes these crazy people come out of the wood works, and why they need to prove themselves this way. I am just glad no one was hurt, and that Kim is not upset about it. I really like the way she portrays herself, her show is amazing and she is a good daughter and sister. I really enjoy watching her show.

The Host... ANOTHER Stephanie Meyer Movie

Ok, I'll admit it, I do love me some Twilight. When the books first came out I turned my nose up at them and stayed away from the hype. But after hearing friend after friend after friend tell me to read these wonderful books I decided I should read the books. And boy, did they suck me in. I admit, I love the Twilight series and I am now that annoying friend that tells all my friends that they HAVE to read the amazing Twilight books.

Now, Stephanie Meyer has a new movie coming out, based on her book The Host. Like I said, I don't buy into the hype, normally. But this time I took the bait. I tried reading the book, but I just could not get into it. It was a little "out there" for me. The previews look really good, and I wanted to like it, but I could not force myself. Maybe when the movie makes it to DVD I will give it a try, but as far-fetched as vampires are, I just could not make myself read or get into The Host.
I am not saying Stephanie Meyer is a bad author, I think her writing is AMAZING! It is just not my style. And I will admit, I really hope that she comes out with some more books, and I hope they are not as far-fetched as The Host, like vampires aren’t far-fetched?!
So, will you be reading or going out and watching The Host?