
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Unemployment Rate Falls In Many States

The status of this country is quite sad. I just saw that the unemployment rate is continuing to fall, so that is a nice change to see. It looks like many states are starting to see more and more jobs. I really hope this helps make some positive changes to our country's economic status. The state this country is in is pretty sad. I hate to watch the news or hear anyone talk about it. Even though the unemployment rates fall in so many states, it looks like they are rising in some and staying steady in some others. I just wish everyone had a job, or would work a job, even if they did not love it. It seems like as of right now, that is the only option for some people. I think that if I had to choose getting assistance from the state or working a job I hated, I would work, I would work two or three jobs if I had to. I have too much pride to just sit back and let someone else take care of my, unless of course it was my husband or my children. I do enough for them to allow them to do the same for me.

Luckily, I am in a job where I feel stable. Hopefully the country will always need teachers. I know more and more people who are starting to home school, but there will always be the people who will choose not to home school, and I can not say I blame them.

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