
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Autism Speaks

Tomorrow is World Autism Day and it is very near and dear to my heart. My oldest son has Asperger's, which is in the Autism family. I always knew that there was something not quite right about him. From the time he was really young, he liked to rock back and forth. I really did not think a lot about it, but then more things starting standing out. He had a fascination with fans and jumping up and down and swinging. Not too strange, but my mom senses started tingling. At the time I was going to college. I was in a class learning about Autism and other things that can happen to children. I asked my professors what they thought about my son and a couple of them told me that as long as he talked, he was fine. He talked, so I tried to think that he was okay. But, things kept striking me funny so I looked into it a little more. I asked his pediatrician and she thought we should see a psychiatrist. I called the one she recommended, but our insurance did not cover him and his prices were crazy. I continued to do the best I could for my son, but I always knew something wasn't right. In 2nd grade we had him tested. The tests said he was fine, I knew different. We took him to his new pediatrician who put him on medication for ADHD and it really helped that problem. In 3rd grade he had a wonderful teacher and it was about this time I had diagnosed him myself, turns out his teacher thought the same thing. We found a developmental pediatrician to help us and we started behavior therapy.

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