
Sunday, April 1, 2012

More Silly Laws... Pregnancy Test

A new law is in the works. Some want a law that would make a doctor give a pregnancy test to any woman before they prescribe prescription pain pills. It is reported that pain pills kill more people than heroin and cocaine. This is costing our county billions of dollars in healthcare costs. And all of these drugs are being prescribed by the doctors in our country. Opioids such as Oxycontin have wreaked havoc on our country.

The new law would require any woman who is prescribed a pain pill to take a pregnancy test to make sure that any pills taken will not harm an unborn baby.

Some people view this as overbearing and putting more work on the doctors who are not doing anything wrong, while some see it as just helping out. I am not sure what side I stand on. I get to see the children who are affected by drug and alcohol use. I get to see them when they are elementary age children who have a hard time functioning in this society. I imagine that these children will continue to have a hard time through life. And when they start having children, what will they be like? It is such a scary thought. I am tired of our country paying for the mistakes of people, and then children living a life that is not a good one. All because of drugs and alcohol. I am not sure how we can handle this as a nation, I am not sure we can. 

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