
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Easter Is Coming

I used to be so excited about Easter, but now that my kids are getting older, it is not as exciting anymore. We used to go on Easter egg hunts, visit the Easter bunny and a lot of other fun stuff. I had so much fun putting together their Easter baskets, stuffing eggs, coloring eggs with them and hiding eggs all over the place. It was so fun to watch them find eggs and open them up to see what was inside. Now my youngest one is 10 and she thinks that she is too old for all the Easter fun. I do not know how you could be too old to find eggs with money or candy in them. If someone would hide them for me, I would go look for them. I think it would be so fun!

We used to go to church and I do miss that during this time of year. But without being too ugly, our church was not a good fit for us. I like being people who are "real", not goody two shoes. I know I am not perfect and I have no problem with others knowing that, but that is a whole other post.

Anyway, I get kind of sad during this time of year, knowing that my children no longer want to celebrate like they did when they were young. I love every stage that my kids go through, but I really like the little kid stage.

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