
Monday, April 2, 2012

Spreading Autism Awareness

I made a post yesterday about my son's diagnosis. I will continue it here.

The diagnosis was a little hard to swallow, but it was a good thing, too. We finally had the answers to many questions. We now knew why he acted so odd, why he was an extremely picky eater, why he did not look us (or anyone else) in the eyes, why he rocked back and forth, why he had a photographic memory and many other "whys" we had floating around in our head.

Luckily, or not luckily, depending on how you look at it, I had a friend who's son was the same age as Landon, but diagnosed at an earlier age. His case a little more severe though. All cases are different, but these two were similar in many ways, but very different in others. My friend was big on Autism Awareness and was part of a group that did things to help others and to make people aware. She was an enormous amount of support, and the group was an amazing thing to be part of. They offered me advice, they let me read their books, they let me cry on their shoulder, they were amazing.

They recommended that we get Landon into therapies, so I looked into it. I was able to get him into speech and occupational therapy at school and we went to behavior therapy on the weekends. All of those things were of great help to him and to us. He learned so much and I am glad that we took the time to look into how we could help him.

He is 15 now and no longer goes to any therapy or takes medicine for his ADHD. He is bright and loving and just a little "odd", but we love him that way.

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