
Monday, April 2, 2012

Miranda Lambert Won Big And So Did Others

I just love Miranda Lambert and it looks like I am not the only one. Last night at the American Country Music Awards she won top female vocalist. Her songs are amazing and she does have one heck of a voice and I love the lyrcis of her songs. You can let your kids listen to them and not feel like you have to change the station. She seems "real", too and that is what I like about some stars. I just hate it when they act all fake and better than everyone else.

Taylor Swift won big last night, too. She took home the Entertainer of the Year award for the second year straight. I love her, too, for the same reasons I love Miranda Lambert. Taylor Swift is such a good singer and I love, love, love her voice. Her songs are kid-friendly, too. I am glad she won big, I think she deserved it. I would love to see her in concert, I bet she is amazing, especially since she won entertainer of the year, she must be out of this world.

Blake Shelton won big, too. He won the top male vocalist. I really like him, too. He's pretty funny. He co-hosted the award show with Reba McEntire, who I love, too. I have liked her since I was a kid. She has great music and she is so darn funny. I love her show "Reba". I think she acts pretty good and her show is funny and pretty realistic.

Spreading Autism Awareness

I made a post yesterday about my son's diagnosis. I will continue it here.

The diagnosis was a little hard to swallow, but it was a good thing, too. We finally had the answers to many questions. We now knew why he acted so odd, why he was an extremely picky eater, why he did not look us (or anyone else) in the eyes, why he rocked back and forth, why he had a photographic memory and many other "whys" we had floating around in our head.

Luckily, or not luckily, depending on how you look at it, I had a friend who's son was the same age as Landon, but diagnosed at an earlier age. His case a little more severe though. All cases are different, but these two were similar in many ways, but very different in others. My friend was big on Autism Awareness and was part of a group that did things to help others and to make people aware. She was an enormous amount of support, and the group was an amazing thing to be part of. They offered me advice, they let me read their books, they let me cry on their shoulder, they were amazing.

They recommended that we get Landon into therapies, so I looked into it. I was able to get him into speech and occupational therapy at school and we went to behavior therapy on the weekends. All of those things were of great help to him and to us. He learned so much and I am glad that we took the time to look into how we could help him.

He is 15 now and no longer goes to any therapy or takes medicine for his ADHD. He is bright and loving and just a little "odd", but we love him that way.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

More Silly Laws... Pregnancy Test

A new law is in the works. Some want a law that would make a doctor give a pregnancy test to any woman before they prescribe prescription pain pills. It is reported that pain pills kill more people than heroin and cocaine. This is costing our county billions of dollars in healthcare costs. And all of these drugs are being prescribed by the doctors in our country. Opioids such as Oxycontin have wreaked havoc on our country.

The new law would require any woman who is prescribed a pain pill to take a pregnancy test to make sure that any pills taken will not harm an unborn baby.

Some people view this as overbearing and putting more work on the doctors who are not doing anything wrong, while some see it as just helping out. I am not sure what side I stand on. I get to see the children who are affected by drug and alcohol use. I get to see them when they are elementary age children who have a hard time functioning in this society. I imagine that these children will continue to have a hard time through life. And when they start having children, what will they be like? It is such a scary thought. I am tired of our country paying for the mistakes of people, and then children living a life that is not a good one. All because of drugs and alcohol. I am not sure how we can handle this as a nation, I am not sure we can. 

Autism Speaks

Tomorrow is World Autism Day and it is very near and dear to my heart. My oldest son has Asperger's, which is in the Autism family. I always knew that there was something not quite right about him. From the time he was really young, he liked to rock back and forth. I really did not think a lot about it, but then more things starting standing out. He had a fascination with fans and jumping up and down and swinging. Not too strange, but my mom senses started tingling. At the time I was going to college. I was in a class learning about Autism and other things that can happen to children. I asked my professors what they thought about my son and a couple of them told me that as long as he talked, he was fine. He talked, so I tried to think that he was okay. But, things kept striking me funny so I looked into it a little more. I asked his pediatrician and she thought we should see a psychiatrist. I called the one she recommended, but our insurance did not cover him and his prices were crazy. I continued to do the best I could for my son, but I always knew something wasn't right. In 2nd grade we had him tested. The tests said he was fine, I knew different. We took him to his new pediatrician who put him on medication for ADHD and it really helped that problem. In 3rd grade he had a wonderful teacher and it was about this time I had diagnosed him myself, turns out his teacher thought the same thing. We found a developmental pediatrician to help us and we started behavior therapy.

Easter Is Coming

I used to be so excited about Easter, but now that my kids are getting older, it is not as exciting anymore. We used to go on Easter egg hunts, visit the Easter bunny and a lot of other fun stuff. I had so much fun putting together their Easter baskets, stuffing eggs, coloring eggs with them and hiding eggs all over the place. It was so fun to watch them find eggs and open them up to see what was inside. Now my youngest one is 10 and she thinks that she is too old for all the Easter fun. I do not know how you could be too old to find eggs with money or candy in them. If someone would hide them for me, I would go look for them. I think it would be so fun!

We used to go to church and I do miss that during this time of year. But without being too ugly, our church was not a good fit for us. I like being people who are "real", not goody two shoes. I know I am not perfect and I have no problem with others knowing that, but that is a whole other post.

Anyway, I get kind of sad during this time of year, knowing that my children no longer want to celebrate like they did when they were young. I love every stage that my kids go through, but I really like the little kid stage.

The Beach Tribute

Thousands of fellow surf lifesavers and their parents gathered on the beach to pay tribute to Matthew Barclay. They made a huge circle with their arms wrapped around each other. He went missing on Wednesday in a surf lifesaver competition. On Thursday his body was recovered about 2km from the competition zone, the Kurrawa beach, of the Australian Surf Life Saving Championships. Thousands of volunteers spent many hours looking for the lost boy.

Matthew was only 14, but he had already built quite a reputation as a beautiful boy with a good heart. This just breaks my heart, I can not even imagine what his parents, family and friends are going through. Many people debate the surf lifesavers, but I think there could be tragedy with just about any sport or hobby. I am glad that Matthew's parents allowed him to do something he loved. His dad said he had fulfilling 14 years; that is good to hear. Mr. Barclay, Matthew's father said that Matthew was found in perfect condition. He was wearing his uniform, his hat and an armband in remembrance of a fellow surf lifesaver who lost his life one year ago.

Matthew's body will be laid to rest on Thursday at Sunshine Coast. I just hope his parents can find peace in this situation, which is so very sad. I can not even begin to imagine losing one of my children. I know these parents must be struggling with his death and I really hope they do not blame themselves for allowing him to do something that he loved so much.

2012 Kids Choice Awards

I really love watching the Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards. Honestly I have not watched this years yet, but I know I will. I think I have seen most of the past ones. They started when I was a teen and now my kids love to watch it.

Will Smith hosted last night and there were tons of other stars there, too. Many of which got slimed, which has got to be just about one of my favorite parts. I guess it is the kid in me coming out. Will Smith got slimed, so did Justin Bieber, from the pictures, it looks like both of them enjoyed it. You had to know it was coming, though.

I really agree with many of the awards given out at the show. One of them was  Taylor Lautner who won favorite "buttkicker" and got slimed in the process. Taylor Swift got the "Big Help" award for her charity work, and it was presented by the president. She was pretty much in shock. I just love her. She seems like such a good person. Kristen Stewart won the award for the favorite movie actor, really like her, too. Selena Gomez won for both favorite female singer and favorite female TV actor. Another one of my favorites was Adam Sandler who won for favorite movie actor.

I can not wait to get a chance to watch the award show, looks like a lot of fun and I know my kids will like it, too. It's fun to get together and watch all the stars getting awards, having fun and getting slimed.